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La Callaltella


La Callaltella was born in 1951 in Rovarè di San Biagio di Callalta. We are in Veneto, a region of Northern Italy, which has always been dedicated to agriculture. The Bonetto family, like most of the families of the time, dedicated themselves to the cultivation of the land, partly destined for fodder, partly for vineyards. The outlet markets, in addition to the Veneto, were for a long time Lombardy and Piedmont, regions to which many Venetians emigrated after the war. About ten years ago, the company was acquired by us three Bonetto sisters: Antonella, Elisabetta, Elena, daughters of Luigino, one of the founders. We immediately started a path of innovation and dynamism, which continues today, characterized by respect for the environment, ethical production, enhancement of a territory rich and full of resources such as that of the Marca Trevigiana. “The vine grows, but to mature well it needs patience and nourishment. Our vineyards are for us like children to whom we reserve the utmost attention and care. "

Via Callaltella,13 - 31048 San Biagio di Callalta (TV) ITALY

Ragione sociale: SOC. AGR. LA CALLALTELLA S.S
Regione di appartenenza: veneto
Settore: Vino
Produzione: Spumanti, Vini Bianchi, Vini rossi, Vini rosati

Chi siamo

A wine is the result of many different ingredients: the cultivation of the vines, the processing of musts, the refinements in the cellar, the bottling phases. We at La Callaltella have chosen to control the entire production chain. Only in this way can we ensure our customers a good and genuine product, obtained in an ethical and responsible way. In addition to harvesting by hand, we apply low-impact cultivation methods. For example, for the phytosanitary treatments of the vines we only use 'recovery' machinery, just as in the vineyard we apply the spontaneous grassing technique, which allows us to reduce notably the use of chemical fertilizers, favoring the vitality of the natural microenvironment. Even in the cellar, the processing and refinement of wines are guided by experience and skills, with the continuous support of an oenologist qualified. As a company policy we try to support the natural characteristics of our grapes as much as possible, obtaining gifted wines of a unique character. We are a small and family company, but with an international soul. For this we are constantly engaged in training processes and update. In addition to genuine wines, good and pleasing to the palate, with a refined packaging, we try to offer customers an impeccable, polite and kind service, signed La Callaltella