Vinophila 3D Wine Expo - Das Metaverse für Wein, Bier und alkoholische Getränke


All the Tenders for the Italian wines.

Via Pelleria 35, 55100, Lucca

Ragione sociale: Alessandro Satin Via Pelleria 35 55100 Lucca P.I. 02580510465 C.F. STNLSN76S30E715F KRRH6B9
Regione di appartenenza: toscana
Settore: Vino, liquori e distillati
Produzione: Spumanti, vini bianchi, vini rossi, vini rosati, orange wines, vini naturali, birra, birra artigianale, liquori e distillati

Chi siamo

A lot of Italian wineries are able to produce excellent wines, but are too small to check every single day the opportunities given by the Monopolies. Sometimes they receive an email from brokers, importers, agents, often in English, but more often they are not aware of the opening of new Tenders. wants to fill this gap, bringing together the complex and articulated Italian production world and the many importers and local agents. Made up of Wine Export Managers, who have an extensive network of contacts with Italian wineries, wants to be more than a bridge between supply and demand. It wants to create a market for both stakeholders, Producers and Importers. Thanks to its network, the team is able to find the perfect producer and wine for every request of the Tenders, in a continuous active search.